A user engagement and community-building platform.

TQR Applications

User Engagement

TQR platform and applications allow an enterprise to engage all ad-hoc customers for their online and offline businesses, turning them into loyal customers.

The Passport Reward Program

It is designed to reward users who visit a list of venues or stores. It can be used for tourist promotion, a civic duty program by a city, or seasonal promotion by a shopping mall.

The Frictionless Reward Program

It is complementary to any loyalty program, allowing business to engage with all customers who are in the venue, maximising customers spending and turning walk-in customers into opt-in loyalty customers.

Voucher Program

It can incentivise consumers to purchase from participating vendors and create brand awareness on a broad scale, both online and offline. A city in partnership with corporate sponsors, can design a reward system to achieve downtown rejuvenation or bring economic activities to the underdeveloped part of the city.

Digital Coupon

Businesses use digital coupon for online to offline promotion.

Co-Marketing Program

With a single scan of a QR code, hotel guests can get digital coupons for all nearby businesses that partner with the hotel or resort. They can use these coupons at any of the participating stores.

Campaign and Events

A Campaign is for short-term usage with multiple events in a defined period. The Campaign can have various events with different reward tokens. A user can only earn once for each event in the Campaign.




TQR allows users to create virtual contacts with selective privacy data and join communities with common interests. Organisations can also create their communities or interact with an existing network of decentralised communities.




Our data analysis tool is Microsoft Power BI, which can connect to over a hundred data sources and integrate them with TQR real time data. This allows us to perform data mash-up, transformation, and analytics and gain insights for a business.


Our dashboards can be customised to show any source data and information.